How Can I See Someones Story Again on Snapchat

Can someone see if you viewed their Snapchat story more than once

Snapchat added its stories feature a few years ago and it allowed you to see what your friends were doing on a daily basis.

Some people just post rubbish on their stories and some people post some things that you may find interesting, so much to the point that you want to view their story again.

Can You See How Many Times Someone Viewed Your Snapchat Story

There is no way that you can see how many times someone viewed your story. Someone can view your story as many times as they want within 24 hours and there's no way that you will be able to tell how many times they viewed your story. Snapchat hasn't made it possible for anyone to know who viewed their story more than once.

Although they show their creators who viewed their story and how many people viewed it, it doesn't show them multiple views for one particular story. Snapchat will only count someone's view as one view, it does count multiple views for the same user. So if someone wants to watch your story multiple times, they can do it without fear that you can see how many times they watched it.

Can People See How Many Times You Viewed Their Snapchat Story?

There is no way that people can see how many times you've viewed their story. You can view someone's story as many times as you want within 24 hours and there's no way that the publisher will be able to tell how many you viewed their story. Snapchat hasn't made it possible for anyone to know who viewed their story more than once.

Although they show their publishers who viewed their story, how many people viewed it, it doesn't show them multiple views for one particular story. Snapchat will only count your view as one view, it does count multiple views for the same user. So if you want to watch someone's story multiple times, you can do it without fearing that they can see how many times you watched it.

Can You Use Third-Party Apps To Find Out?

There are no third-party apps that'll allow people to find out how many times someone has watched your story. These apps can't be used to find out how many times someone watches your story. However, you can use fake accounts or other people's profile's to watch people's Snapchat story's so that your profile isn't traced, but they can't be used to know how many times someone watched your story.

Does Snapchat Notify When You Replay a Story?

When you replay someone's story, Snapchat doesn't tell them. There is no notification that they're given by Snapchat to notify them that someone has replayed their story. Because of the privacy aspect, Snapchat wouldn't allow people to know when someone replayed their story. This would cause too many problems within the community and people won't feel comfortable watching other people's stories more than once if they know that Snapchat will notify that person. As soon as you replay their video, they'll have no clue it happened.

There's no way that someone can find out if you replayed their story. Snapchat hasn't made it possible for its users to see if someone replayed their story since this will be a violation of privacy. It only counts one view per person, so if you were to replay someone's story, then there's no way that they can find out.

If You Rewatch a Snapchat Story Does Your Name Go To The Top

When you replay someone's story, your name doesn't go to the top. Wherever your username is the first time that you watch the story is where your username will stay if you watch the story again. Your name will only ever be at the top of someone's story views if that is where Snapchat has ranked you. If Snapchat hasn't ranked you at the top, your name will never be at the top despite how many times you watch their story.

Snapchat Doesn't allow people to know when someone replayed their story so they wouldn't leave such indicators. This would cause too many problems within the community and people won't feel comfortable watching other people's stories more than once if they know that Snapchat will put their name at the top of the story views. As soon as you replay their video, they'll have no clue it happened.

After you have watched a story, it'll be greyed out and you can simply go back and tap the story again to replay the story. Alternatively, you can search for the person's name, and click on the circle on the left to view their story again.

How to Replay a Snapchat Story

How to replay a snapchat storyAfter you have watched a story, there is a replay button in the stories section that'll allow you to view the person's story again.

Alternatively, you can search for the person's name, hold down their name, and click on the circle on the left to view their story again.

If You Replay A Snapchat Story Does The Person Know

There's no way that someone can find out if you replayed their story. Snapchat hasn't made it possible for its users to see if someone replayed their story since this will be a violation of privacy. It only counts one view per person, so if you were to replay someone's story, then there's no way that they can find out.

What Happens When You View a Story?

Snapchat story viewsWhen you view a story on Snapchat, Snapchat is going to count this as a view on their publishers' side. On the publisher's side, they get to see a list of all of the people that have viewed their story since they uploaded it.

If you view a friend's story for less than a certain amount of time, Snapchat doesn't count this as a view because they know that you're not interested in the person's content. So, they won't credit the publisher with your view because they know that you weren't interested in their content.

The next thing that the publisher can see when you view their story is when you screenshot or screen record their story. When you screen record their story, they will be presented with a star symbol next to your username. They will also be shown the star symbol when you screenshot their story. You can't tell the difference when someone screenshots your story and when they screen record your story.

What Happens When You Rewatch A story?

When you rewatch someone's story, nothing happens. They'll only be able to see that you viewed their story once, there's no way for them to tell how many times you watched their story. If you want to rewatch someone's story, you can do it without the fear that they're going to be notified when you rewatch it.

Can Someone See If You've Viewed their Story More Than Once

Unfortunately, there's no other way now to know if one of your Snapchat friends has viewed your story more than once. With the new Snapchat update, you have to hold down on someone's name and click on the left circle to view their story.

After a certain amount of time, they will be able to see under their published story than you've viewed their story without how many times you viewed it for. This is why sometimes you'll see that someone has viewed your second or third etc story and not your first story.

This is because they didn't view the story before that a certain number of times. Someone will only know that you've viewed their Snapchat twice and not their story. This is because Snapchat will tell them that you replayed their Snap.

How To Tell If Someone Viewed Your Snapchat Story More Than Once

Although there's no concrete way of knowing if someone viewed your story more than once, there are a few sneaky ways you can find out. Snapchat hasn't provided an official way to notify publishers how many times their story was viewed, however, using your Snapchat story views, you can find out if someone watched your story more than once.

To do this, you'll need to check the order of where people are have viewed your story usernames are. It's best that you do this when you don't have many viewers on Snapchat. If you have a private story, this is the best way to tell as you can assess the list easily. If you get 100s of views, using this method will be tricky.

  • At first, you want to take a picture of the viewer's list at periodic intervals. This will let you know of any changes that have been made to the list.
  • When doing this, you want to make sure that your viewer's list isn't open since new views won't be populated whilst the viewer's list is open. To check it properly, you need to keep opening and closing the viewer's list.
  • If someone is at the top of your viewer's list, and you want to know if they replayed your story, you can ask a friend to view your story quickly, wait for people who are below your friend that just viewed your story to reappear at the top again. If people at the bottom came back to the top, it's safe to say that they viewed your story more than once.

Snapchat Did Tell People You've Viewed Their Story Twice

In the early days of Snapchat, there was a way to tell whether someone had viewed your story more than once. This meant that you'd spent time checking for people who viewed your story multiple times each time you posted a story.

This could be done by looking at your friend's list. Remember when there were different emojis next to certain people's names on your friend's list? For example, the birthday cake emoji would be next to people whose birthday it was.

If you saw the star emoji next to someone's name, this meant that they viewed your story more than once. Unfortunately, after various updates, Snapchat started to make the app more secretive which resulted in them removing this feature.

How to Watch Someone's Snapchat Story More Than Once Without them Knowing

If you don't want someone to even have a chance of assuming that you watched their story more than once, then there's a lot that you can do to make sure that they don't even find out. Using the methods below will allow your name not to show up on the list of people who viewed their story. Although they'll never be able to find out that you've watched their story more than once, you can make sure that they never assume it by never coming up on their list in the first place.

1. Airplane Mode

The first way to replay someone's story without them knowing is by putting your phone on Airplane mode. When your phone is on airplane mode, your device won't be connected to the internet, so Snapchat won't be able to register that you've viewed someone's story. For this to work, you need to make sure that you've loaded all of your stories up before you put your device in Airplane mode.

Once the story you want to watch more than once without them knowing has loaded up, then you need to put your phone on airplane mode, tap on the story and watch it. You can now turn your phone off airplane mode and the person won't be able to tell that you watched their story. Before you take your phone off airplane mode, made sure you've closed the Snapchat app.

2. Half Swiping

On the story before the person's story, you want to view it many times without them knowing, you can half swipe. This is when you swipe right from the previous story onto the next story without letting go. This means that you're still one story whilst viewing the next one. But because you haven't let go of your fingers, Snapchat can't register a view on that person's story since you haven't fully committed to watching it.

This only works well when their story is a photo and not a video. if it's a photo, you can pretty much see the whole thing without letting go of the screen. If it's a video, you'll only be able to see the thumbnail which means you'll be unable to watch the video unless you let go of your fingers. In this case, you'll need to use another method that'll allow you to watch videos because this only works well for photos.

3. Use Another Account

If you have a burner account that has no traces to your identity, you can use this to watch people's Snapchat stories multiple times without them ever knowing it was you. If their account is public, then using your burner account is easy and you'll be able to view their stories anytime. But if their account is private, then you'll have to follow them and be accepted in order to view their Snapchat stories multiple times anonymously.

The key to this is that there can be absolutely nothing that links both your personal account and this burner account unless they could suspect that you're the person behind the account. Another thing to realize here is that if they don't have that many followers and they notice an unknown burner account is watching their stories without following them, this can lead them to block since they know that someone is stalking them.

4. Watch Them In The Last Minute

Another way to watch someone's Snapchat story many times without them knowing is to watch the story when it's about to expire. To know when it was uploaded, you need to look at how long the story has been uploaded for then calculate how many hours it's got left by taking it away from 24.

To check how long it's been up for and to make sure you don't click the story, you can use the half swipe method detailed above. Once you know the hour the story will expire, then you can watch it for them.


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