When Can a Felon Buy a Gun Again

How to restore "gun rights" after a CA criminal conviction

California'due south firearms laws are strict and federal laws are even stricter. If yous are convicted of a felony or sure misdemeanors, you will lose your right to possess a gun in California.

You also may not own or possess a gun if you are:

  • fond to narcotics drugs,
  • mentally sick,
  • involuntarily committed on a psychiatric hold twice in one yr,
  • under the age of xviii,
  • prohibited from possessing a gun by courtroom order or equally a condition of probation, or
  • prohibited by federal law from possessing a gun.

Conviction of a felony results in alifetime ban on gun possession.

Confidence on most misdemeanor charges does non prohibit y'all from having a gun. But a few weapons-related misdemeanor convictions practise subject field you to a lifetime ban. Two convictions for brandishing a firearm… or justone conviction for assault with a firearm confidence…volition cost yous your gun rights for life.

In addition, approximately 40 misdemeanors acquit a10-year firearms ban. These include:

  • assault,
  • battery,
  • brandishing a weapon, and
  • making criminal threats.

Restoring your Second Amendment correct to bear arms can be hard and complicated. We urge you to read the total article, below, for consummate information.

In general, however, it may be possible for your gun rights to be restored post-obit a conviction as long as it was not for:

  • a felony involving a unsafe weapon, or
  • a crime of domestic violence.

There are two basic ways to have gun rights restored after an eligible conviction:

  1. by having a "wobbler" felony reduced to a misdemeanor, or
  2. by receiving a pardon from the California governor.

A "wobbler" is an offense that tin can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. If you lot were convicted of a wobbler as a felony, yous can petition the court to have it reduced to a misdemeanor. One time your felony is reduced you lot will exist field of study only to the brake — if whatever — that the crime carries every bit a misdemeanor.

The 2d fashion to have your Second Amendment correct to conduct arms restored later on a California conviction is through a pardon past the governor.

Yous must apply directly to the governor for a pardon if:

  • you live outside California, or
  • you lot were convicted of certain misdemeanor sex offenses.

Otherwise, obtaining a pardon is a 2-step process:

  1. Petition the superior courtroom for a California Document of Rehabilitation.
  2. If the petition is granted, information technology automatically becomes a petition for a pardon from the California Governor.

California's governor has complete discretion to grant or deny pardon requests. Generally, applicants must accept resided for a minimum of vii years in California. They must also take had no criminal involvement for at least 10 years.

We are a criminal defense force firm with offices throughout California and Nevada. As erstwhile cops and prosecutors, we have first-hand knowledge of California's gun laws. And nosotros know what it takes to restore your correct to bear artillery.

To help you improve sympathize this procedure, our California criminal defense force attorneys accost the following, below:

  • 1. California firearms restrictions
    • i.i. Lifetime ban — felonies and weapons-related misdemeanors
    • 1.2. 10-year ban — specified misdemeanors
      • one.2.1. Assault
      • i.2.two. Bombardment
      • i.2.3. Domestic violence
      • 1.ii.4. Peace officers
      • 1.two.v. Threats and intimidation
      • i.ii.half dozen. Weapons / ammunitions offenses
        • 1.two.6.ane. Brandishing a weapon
        • ane.2.six.2. Discharging a firearm
        • 1.2.half dozen.iii. Possession of weapons
        • i.2.half dozen.four. Sale or transfer of weapons
    • 1.3. Narcotics addicts
    • 1.4. Persons suffering from mental illness
    • 1.v. Minors
    • 1.half-dozen. Those nether court-imposed restrictions
    • 1.7. Personal firearms eligibility bank check
  • 2. Federal gun restrictions
    • ii.1. People prohibited from owning a gun under federal police force
    • two.2. The disharmonize betwixt federal and California law
      • 2.ii.1. Misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence
      • 2.2.2. Mental Illness
  • iii. How to restore your California gun rights
    • 3.1. Reducing a felony "wobbler" to a misdemeanor
    • three.ii. California Certificate of Rehabilitation / Governor's pardon
      • 3.two.1. Who is eligible to utilize for a California gubernatorial pardon?
      • 3.2.2. California Certificate of Rehabilitation
      • 3.2.iii. Awarding for a straight pardon
      • 3.two.4. Governor's discretion re: the issuance of pardons
    • 3.three. Expungement of a California criminal record

gun laying on american flag

California imposes a lifetime firearms ban on anyone who has been convicted of a felony law-breaking in any state or land.

1. California Firearms Restrictions

Before we talk over how to restore your gun rights, let's review what tin make yous lose them in the start place.

California police force does not require nigh adults to obtain a license to buy, receive, ain, or possess a gun.

Five categories of individuals, however, are banned from exercising gun rights in California:

  1. felons (that is, anyone convicted of whatsoever felony offense in whatever jurisdiction);
  2. persons convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses (encounter below);
  3. narcotics addicts;
  4. persons who suffer from mental illness; and
  5. minors (anyone under eighteen).

Allow'due south take a closer look at each of these categories.

i.i. Lifetime ban — felonies and weapons-related misdemeanors

Penal Code 29800 PC is California's "felon with a firearm" police force. It imposes alifetime firearms ban on anyone who has been bedevilled of a felony law-breaking in any country or country.

This lifetime ban likewise applies to people with certain misdemeanor convictions:

  1. people with two or more than misdemeanor convictions for Penal Code 417(a)(2) PC, California's "brandishing a firearm" law; and
  2. people withjust one misdemeanor conviction for:
    • California Penal Code 245(a)(2), attack with a firearm;
    • California Penal Code 245(a)(iii), attack with a car gun or assault weapon;
    • California Penal Code 245(d) assault with a firearm against a peace officer;
    • California Penal Code 246 PC, shooting at an inhabited dwelling or auto; or
    • California Penal Code 417(c), "brandishing a firearm" at a peace officer.

The lifetime ban also applies to minors who were convicted of any of the in a higher place offenses when tried as adults.

one.2. 10-twelvemonth ban – specified misdemeanors

Generally speaking, a misdemeanor conviction does not trigger a gun restriction. However, under California Penal Lawmaking 29805 PC, there are well-nigh 40 specific misdemeanor convictions that behave aten-year firearms ban.

They are:

1.2.1. Assault

  • Penal Code 240 and 241 PC – assault.
  • Penal Lawmaking 244.5 — attack with a stun gun or less-lethal weapon (as defined in Penal Code 16780).
  • Penal Code 245 — assault with a deadly weapon or firearm.
  • Penal Code 245.5 — assault with a deadly weapon or firearm against a school employee.

one.2.2. Battery

  • Penal Lawmaking 242 PC — battery.
  • Penal Lawmaking 243 – spousal bombardment.
  • Penal Code 243.four PC — sexual battery.
  • Penal Lawmaking 273.5 PC – infliction of corporal injury on a spouse / mate.

one.2.3. Domestic violence

  • Penal Code 646.9 PC — stalking.
  • Penal Code 273.6 — violation of a protective order.

1.2.four. Peace officers

  • Penal Code 148(d) — taking a firearm from a peace officeholder.
  • Penal Lawmaking 830.95 — wearing a peace officer compatible while engaged in picketing.

ane.2.v. Threats and intimidation

  • Penal Code 422 PC — criminal threats.
  • Penal Code 71 and 76 – threats to public officials and/or their families.
  • Penal Code 136.ane  — intimidation of witnesses and victims.
  • Penal Code 136.5  — possession of a deadly weapon with intent to employ it to intimidate witnesses.
  • Penal Code 140  — threats of strength against witnesses, victims or informants.

1.2.6. Weapons / armament offenses Brandishing a weapon:
  • Penal Lawmaking 417 — brandishing a mortiferous weapon.
  • Penal Code 417.half dozen — brandishing a deadly weapon with the intent to inflict serious bodily injury.
i.2.6.ii. Discharging a firearm
  • Penal Code 246.3 — negligent belch of a firearm or BB gun.
  • Penal Code 247 — willful discharge of a firearm at an unoccupied aircraft, motor vehicle, building or abode firm.
  • Penal Lawmaking 26100(b) and (d) — discharging or permitting another to discharge a firearm from a motor vehicle. Possession of weapons
  • Penal Code 171b — possession of weapons in public buildings or meetings.
  • Penal Code 171c(a)(1) — possession of a loaded firearm within the country capitol or legislative offices.
  • Penal Code 171d — possession of a loaded firearm within the governor's mansion or the residence of state officials.
  • Penal Code 626.ix — possession of a firearm in a school zone.
  • Penal Lawmaking 17500 — possession of a deadly weapon with the intent to commit set on.
  • Penal Code 17510 — possession of a deadly weapon or firearm while picketing.
  • Penal Code 25300 — criminal possession of a firearm (possession of a firearm in a public place while masked).
  • Penal Code 25800 — armed criminal action (possession of a firearm with the intent to commit a felony).
  • Penal Lawmaking 30315 — possession of metallic-piercing or armor-piercing ammunition.
  • Penal Code 32625 — possession of a machine gun.
  • Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking 8100 — possession of a firearm or deadly weapon past certain persons with mental disorders.
  • Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking 8103 — possession of a firearm or deadly weapon by mentally disordered sex offenders or persons adjudged to exist a danger to others.
i.2.6.iv. Sale or transfer of weapons
  • Penal Code 186.28 — sale or transfer of a firearm to a gang member for use in a felony.
  • Former Penal Code 12100(a) — auction of concealable firearms to juveniles.
  • Penal Code 27510 — auction or transfer of a firearm to a person under 18.
  • Welfare and Institutions Code 8101 — sale or transfer of a firearm or deadly weapon to certain persons with mental disorders.
  • Welfare and Institutions Code 871.five and 1001.5 — bringing or sending a firearm into a juvenile hall or camp or a Youth Authority establishment.
  • Penal Lawmaking 27590(c) — illegal auction or transfer of a firearm.

Yous may petition the court to have gun rights restored before the ten-year menstruation is up if:

  • you lot were convicted of 1 of the higher up misdemeanorsprior to its existence added to Penal Lawmaking 29805 PC, and
  • yous do not have a previous confidence under Section 29805, no affair when the prior conviction occurred.

You may petition for this relief on a one-time ground simply. The court may grant it if it finds that yous are probable to employ a firearm in a "safe and lawful manner."

1.3. Narcotics addicts

People who are fond to a narcotic drug are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Federal law imposes a ban on this category of persons as well (see below).

If y'all are "addicted" to a narcotic drug, it means that you are both emotionally and physically dependent on the drug and have an increased tolerance to its furnishings.

one.iv. People suffering from mental affliction

People with a mental illness are banned from possessing firearms as follows:

  • during whatever period in which they are receiving voluntary in-patient treatment for being a danger to themselves or others;
  • while nether a conservatorship because gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder or impairment by chronic alcoholism;
  • for 6 months following a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims;
  • for a menses of five years post-obit release from an involuntary commitment to a mental hospital for existence a danger to oneself or others;
  • for life later on two involuntary commitments in a year; or
  • for an indefinite period of time if they autumn into 1 of the categories fix forth below.

People banned for an indefinite menstruation may not accept a gun until they receive a certificate stating that they are no longer a threat to society. After receiving their certificate, such people may petition to take their gun rights restored.

The people discipline to this requirement are:

  • those adjudicated by a court of whatsoever state to be a danger to others because of a mental disorder or mental illness,
  • those adjudicated by a court of any state to be a mentally matted sex offender;
  • people declared incompetent to stand up trial; and
  • those who have pleaded not guilty to anon-violent crime by reason of insanity.

People who have pleaded non guilty to certaintearing crimes past reason of insanity are discipline to a lifetime ban on firearm possession.

Such crimes include (but are non limited to):

  • murder,
  • mayhem,
  • rape,
  • residential burglary,
  • arson of an inhabited dwelling, and
  • other felonies involving death or great bodily injury.

Note that federal police imposes its ain restrictions on this course of individuals as well.

Thus sure people subject just to a five-year brake in California may face a lifetime ban under federal law.

Please see Section 2, below, for a more consummate discussion of federal law. Also, see California Assembly Bill 1968 (2018).

1.5. Minors

Minors are prohibited from owning, possessing, purchasing, or receiving guns. Unless subject field to another firearm restriction, people may start possess guns as follows:

  • rifles and shotguns: once they reach the age of 18, and
  • handguns: one time they reach the age of 21.

Minors who have been convicted of certain offenses and are adjudged a ward of the juvenile court every bit a result of their conviction may non possess a firearm until the age of thirty.

Such offenses include (but are not limited to):

  • designated California drug offenses,
  • specific crimes of violence, and
  • certain firearms offenses (including California Penal Lawmaking 25400 PC — conveying a concealed weapon and California Penal Code 25850 PC — conveying a loaded firearm.)

1.6. Those under court-imposed restrictions

California courts have the correct to impose additional firearms restrictions under 2 scenarios.

The kickoff is when a judge revokes your gun rights as a specific condition of California probation. The second is when you are the discipline of a courtroom-issued protective order.

While you are discipline to such restrictions, you are prohibited from owning, possessing, purchasing, or receiving a firearm.

one.7. Personal firearms eligibility check

It is possible to check your firearms eligibility condition with the California Section of Justice.

You lot do not need to disclose your possession of whatsoever firearm in social club to exercise and so.

The cost for such an eligibility cheque is $xx. The Personal Firearms Eligibility Check Application form is available on the DOJ's website.

ii. Federal Gun Restrictions

ii.one. People prohibited from owning a gun under federal law

Federal law imposes its own set of firearms restrictions on certain classes of people.

You lot are prohibited nether federal police from possessing a gun if:

y'all are under indictment for, or take been convicted in whatsoever court of, a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one twelvemonth;

  • you are a fugitive from justice;
  • you lot are an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance;
  • you have been adjudicated as a mental lacking or have been committed to any mental institution;
  • you are unlawfully in the United states;
  • you lot have been discharged from the Military under dishonorable conditions;
  • y'all accept renounced your U.S. citizenship;
  • yous are subject to a protective society for stalking or representing a threat to an intimate partner or child; or
  • you take been convicted in whatsoever court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

ii.two. The disharmonize between federal and California law

Many of these federal firearms restrictions are identical to those imposed by California police. However, when federal and California gun laws conflict, the federal laws prevail. In such a example, California gun laws may as well not even be.

ii.2.i. Misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence

One area in which differences arise is after a conviction for a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence ("MCDV").

State law restores California gun rights to an private bedevilled of MCDV once a 10-year restriction expires. However, federal law imposes a lifetime firearms ban after such a confidence.

Now, the only way to remove a federal firearms ban is by Presidential pardon. Nonetheless, presidential pardons are rarely granted.

As a practical matter, therefore, if you are convicted of MCDV inany courtroom, y'all will never be able to possess a gun legally in California. The only style to avoid the federal lifetime ban is to avoid a domestic violence conviction in the get-go place.

For a more complete give-and-take, visit our folio on domestic violence convictions & California gun rights.

2.2.ii. Mental affliction

California and federal constabulary also conflict in their handling of mental illness.

California police imposes a five-year firearms ban post-obit involuntary delivery for existence a danger to oneself or others.

But federal law provides a lifetime ban on gun ownership past anyone adjudicated a mental defective or committed to a mental institution. As a issue, once you take been admitted to a mental institution, it is non possible for you to possess a gun legally in California or anywhere else.

attorney speaking with client in jail

If y'all take been convicted of a California felony involving a unsafe weapon, in that location is no way to restore your firearms rights.

three. How to restore your California gun rights

If you accept been bedevilled of a California felony involving a unsafe weapon, in that location is no manner to restore your firearms rights.   California law defines "dangerous weapon" as any weapon, musical instrument, or object capable of being used to inflict great bodily injury or death.

And, as noted, federal law prevents California from restoring your gun rights under certain circumstances, including (without limitation):

  • you lot have been convicted of a offense of domestic violence,
  • you have been adjudicated a mental defective or confined to an establishment, or you are an abuser or unlawful user of a controlled substance.

Otherwise, depending on the type of conviction, in that location are two ways to restore your California gun rights:

  1. by reducing a felony "wobbler" confidence to a misdemeanor, or
  2. by obtaining a California gubernatorial pardon.

three.1. Reducing a felony "wobbler" to a misdemeanor

A "wobbler" crime is a criminal offense that tin can be charged equally either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the prosecutor's discretion.

If you were bedevilled of a qualifying felony wobbler, you can regain your gun rights by reducing your California felony to a misdemeanor.

For the about part, qualifying wobblers are those for which you were sentenced to county jail and/or probation.

The following arenot qualifying offenses:

  • "straight" felonies… that is, crimes that mayonly exist charged as a felony;
  • felonies involving the apply of a dangerous weapon;
  • felonies for which you lot were sentenced to California prison;
  • misdemeanors that discipline you to a 10-year gun brake;
  • domestic violence convictions; and
  • drug offenses that classify yous every bit a "narcotics addict."

Eligible felony wobbler charges can be reduced at whatever time. Thus you tin file a petition if:

  • you lot were convicted of a wobbler felony and are all the same on probation (although you lot will beginning need to file a petition to have your probation terminated);
  • you were convicted of a felony and are done with probation and/or canton jail fourth dimension; or
  • you lot were convicted of a felony and were never given whatsoever probation at all but were sentenced to canton jail.

If the court reduces your felony to a misdemeanor, your right to possess a firearm will by and large exist restored. However, if the misdemeanor is one that subjects you to a ten-year gun restriction, you lot will demand to wait out the 10 years earlier you may possess a gun.

three.ii. California Certificate of Rehabilitation / Governor'south pardon

The second way to restore your California gun rights is by a pardon from California's governor.

Not all pardons restore gun rights. The pardon must specifically be "full and unconditional," or provide you lot are entitled to exercise the right to possess a gun.

A pardon is not the same as an expungement. A pardon will not seal or erase your criminal record or the record of your conviction.   It can, however, restore to you certain rights, including (without limitation) the right to possess a gun.

3.2.i. Who is eligible to employ for a California gubernatorial pardon?

If you were convicted of a California felony that is ineligible for reduction to a misdemeanor, you lot may be able to receive a gubernatorial pardon. People convicted of misdemeanor sexual practice crimes are also eligible.

The main requirement for a gubernatorial pardon is exemplary beliefs for a long period of time. Generally, an application for a pardon will not exist considered unless you take been discharged from probation or parole for at to the lowest degree ten years without further criminal activity during that menstruum.

Only California crimes may be pardoned by California's governor.

If yous were convicted in some other country, you lot must utilize for a pardon in that state. If bedevilled of a felony under federal law, you must use for a Presidential pardon.

3.2.ii. California Certificate of Rehabilitation

A Certificate of Rehabilitation ("COR") is a court order that declares you rehabilitated of your crime. If you run into the following criteria, you lot must apply for a COR before seeking a pardon:

  1. you lot were convicted of a California felony, and
  2. y'all currently reside in California.

A Certificate of Rehabilitation does not, by itself, restore California gun rights. You lot must however receive a gubernatorial pardon.  If you are granted a COR, it automatically becomes an application for a California governor'due south pardon. You exercise not need to do anything more.

Application for a Certificate of Rehabilitation is made to the superior courtroom in the county where you live. To apply, yous must have resided in California for at to the lowest degree five (5) years  after the primeval of:

  1. belch from custody due to completion of your judgement, or
  2. your release on parole or probation…


an boosted period of ii (two) to v (5) years, depending on the underlying offense.

Y'all arenot eligible for a California Document of Rehabilitation if:

  • you are serving mandatory life parole,
  • you lot were committed under a death judgement, or
  • yous committed certain sex acts with a child.

3.2.three. Application for a straight pardon

If you are ineligible for a Document of Rehabilitation, you may utilise for a direct pardon.

This process is used primarily by people who:

  1. were bedevilled of a crime in California and now reside outside the state, or
  2. people who have been convicted of specified misdemeanor sex offenses.

An application for a direct pardon will not unremarkably be considered unless you accept been discharged from probation or parole for at least 10 years. You must besides not take had any farther criminal activeness during that period.

Upon demonstration of truly exceptional circumstances… such as bodily innocence… the 10-twelvemonth dominion may be waived.

Applications for a direct pardon are available at the California Governor's website. Y'all may also request an application by writing to:

Governor's Part

State Capitol

Attention: Legal Affairs

Sacramento, CA 95814

After you accept completed the application, you must send the Observe of Intent to Employ for Executive Charity to the commune chaser of each county in which you lot were convicted. This is a legally-required find.

The Commune Chaser will return the notice to the Governor's Office and send y'all an acquittance. Once you receive it, you can return the completed awarding to the Governor's Function at the accost listed above.

3.2.4. Governor'southward discretion re: the issuance of pardons

The governor has consummate discretion in deciding whether to grant a pardon. This is true for both direct pardons and pardons after issuance of a Certificate of Rehabilitation.

An exception is if you lot have two (2) or more felony convictions. In such a case, the Governor of California may not grant you a pardon…unless… a majority of justices of the California Supreme Courtroom recommend one. The Governor has no obligation, yet, to seek such a recommendation from the court.

As noted, not all pardons restore gun rights. The pardon must specifically provide you are entitled to exercise the correct to possess a gun.

3.3. Expungement of a California criminal tape

Expungement of a criminal record in Californiadoes not remove the ban on owning or possessing firearms.

Expungement refers to the process of:

  1. withdrawing a plea of guilty or no competition, and
  2. having the case dismissed, later successful completion of probation  … or, if applicable… jail and parole.

The master benefit of expungement is that you do not have to disclose an expunged conviction on well-nigh job applications.   Simply, equally noted, expungement does not restore gun rights. If y'all wish to possess a gun following expungement of a criminal record, y'all must still follow the steps set forth above.

In improver, not all offenses can be expunged. If you were sent to California state prison, or yous are guilty of a serious sex activity offense, you lot do not qualify for expungement.

Contact us for help…

receptionist with headset

Our office does not handle petitions for Certificates of Rehabilitation or gubernatorial pardons.

If you or a loved i is in need of aid with restoring gun rights and yous are looking to hire an chaser for representation, we invite you to contact us at Shouse Law Group. We can provide a free consultation in the role or by phone. We have local offices in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, Pasadena, Long Beach, Orange County, Ventura, San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, San Diego, Sacramento, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose and throughout California.

Additionally, our Las Vegas Nevada criminal defense attorneys are bachelor to answer any questions relating to Nevada'due south firearms laws. For more information, we invite yous to contact our local attorneys at one of our Nevada police force offices, located in Reno and Las Vegas.

Legal References:

  1. Our California criminal defense attorneys accept local Los Angeles law offices in Beverly Hills, Burbank, Glendale, Lancaster, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Pomona, Torrance, Van Nuys, West Covina, and Whittier. Nosotros take boosted constabulary offices conveniently located throughout the state in Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Jose, Oakland, the San Francisco Bay surface area, and several nearby cities.
  2. California Penal Code 25605 (b) — No allow or license to purchase, own, possess, continue, or comport, either openly or concealed, shall be required of any denizen of the United States or legal resident over the historic period of 18 years who resides or is temporarily inside this state, and who is not inside the excepted classes prescribed by Chapter 2 (commencing with Section29800) or Chapter iii (commencing with Penal Code Section 29900) of Sectionalization 9 of this title, or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and InstitutionsCode, to purchase, own, possess, keep, or comport, either openly or curtained, a handgun within the citizen's or legal resident's place of residence, place of business, or on individual property endemic or lawfully possessed by the denizen or legal resident.
  3. Just see California Penal Code 29800(c) — Subdivision (a) shall not apply to a person who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of the The states unless either of the following criteria is satisfied:
    (ane) Conviction of a like offense nether California law can simply consequence in imposition of felony punishment.
    (2) The defendant was sentenced to a federal correctional facility for more than than 30 days, or received a fine of more one thousand dollars ($one,000), or received both punishments.
  4. California Penal Code 29800 PC(a) –
    (1) Any person who has been convicted of a felony nether the laws of the U.s., the Land of California, or any other country, government, or country, or of an offense enumerated in subdivision (a), (b), or (d) of Penal Lawmaking 23515, or who is addicted to the apply of any narcotic drug, and who owns, purchases, receives, or has in possession or under custody or control whatsoever firearm is guilty of a felony.
    (ii) Any person who has two or more convictions for violating paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Department 417 and who owns, purchases, receives, or has in possession or under custody or control whatsoever firearm is guilty of a felony.
  5. California Penal Code 29800(b) — Withal subdivision (a), any person who has been convicted of a felony or of an criminal offense enumerated in Section 23515, when that confidence results from certification by the juvenile court for prosecution as an developed in an adult court under Section 707 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, and who owns or has in possession or under custody or command whatsoever firearm is guilty of a felony.
  6. California Penal Code 29805 PC. Except as provided in Section 29855 or subdivision (a) ofSection 29800, any person who has been bedevilled of a misdemeanorviolation of Section 71, 76, 136.1, 136.5, or 140, subdivision (d) ofSection 148, Department 171b, paragraph (one) of subdivision (a) ofSection 171c, 171d, 186.28, 240, 241, 242, 243, 243.4, 244.v, 245,245.5, 246.3, 247, 273.5, 273.6, 417, 417.6, 422, 626.9, 646.ix, or830.95, subdivision (a) of sometime Section 12100, every bit that section readat whatsoever time from when it was enacted by Section 3 of Chapter 1386 ofthe Statutes of 1988 to when it was repealed by Section 18 ofChapter 23 of the Statutes of 1994, Department 17500, 17510, 25300,25800, 30315, or 32625, subdivision (b) or (d) of Section 26100, orSection 27510, or Section 8100, 8101, or 8103 of the Welfare andInstitutions Code, any firearm-related offense pursuant to Sections871.v and 1001.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking, or of theconduct punished in subdivision (c) of Department 27590, and who, within10 years of the conviction, owns, purchases, receives, or has inpossession or under custody or control, any firearm is guilty of apublic offense, which shall be punishable by imprisonment in a countyjail not exceeding 1 year or in the state prison, by a fine notexceeding one 1000 dollars ($i,000), or by both that imprisonmentand fine. The court, on forms prescribed by the Department ofJustice, shall notify the department of persons subject field to this section. Nevertheless, the prohibition in this section may be reduced, eliminated, or conditioned every bit provided in Section 29855 or 29860.
  7. Encounter same.
  8. California Penal Code 29860 PC.
  9. Same.
  10. Same.
  11. California Penal Code 29800(a)(ane), endnote 4, to a higher place.
  12. 18 United States Lawmaking 922(d) — It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person…(3) is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 United statesC. 802)).
  13. People v. O'Neil (1965) 62 Cal.2d 748, 750. ("…we must contrary the judgment and remand the cause for a determination of whether the accused is 'addicted' to the use of narcotics equally we have divers that term inPeople five. Victor (1965) 62 A.C. 290, 312-315, 42 Cal.Rptr. 199, 398 P.2d 391; i. due east., whether he exhibits the three characteristics of the addiction process: (ane) 'emotional dependence' on the drug, (two) an increased 'tolerance' to its effects, and (three) 'physical dependence' manifested by withdrawal symptoms upon sudden termination of drug intake.")
  14. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8100(a).
  15. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(e)(1).
  16. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8100(b)(ane).
  17. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(f)(i).
    Encounter also California Welfare and Institutions Code 5150 regarding involuntary commitment.
  18. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(a)(one).
  19. Aforementioned.
  20. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(d)(1).
  21. California Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking 8103(c)(1).
  22. California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(b)(one).
  23. The full list of crimes under California Welfare and Institutions Code 8103(b)(1) is: murder, mayhem, kidnapping (if the victim suffers intentionally inflicted great bodily injury), carjacking or robbery (if the victim suffers great bodily injury), arson of an inhabited abode or trailer charabanc, rape, beginning degree (residential) burglary, assault with intent to commit murder, assault with intent to commit mayhem or sex crimes (if the victim suffers great bodily injury), reckless or willful possession or explosion of an explosive device, and any felony involving death or not bad actual injury, or an human action which poses a serious threat of bodily harm to another person.
  24. xviii United States Code 922 (d) — It shall be unlawful for whatsoever person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person…(4) has been adjudicated equally a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution.
  25. Whatsoever person taken into custody as a danger to cocky or others, assessed, and admitted to a mental wellness facility under Welfare and Institutions Code sections 5150, 5151, 5152; or certified nether Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking sections 5250, 5260, 5270.17; or certified under Welfare and Institutions Lawmaking sections 5250, 5260, or 5270.17, may be subject to a lifetime prohibition pursuant to federal law. See California Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms, Firearms Prohibiting Categories.
  26. California Chaser General's Firearms Website, Frequently Asked Questions — Sales and Transfers of Firearms. "Although there are exceptions, by and large all firearms purchasers must be at least 18 years of age to purchase a long gun (burglarize or shotgun) and 21 years of historic period to buy a handgun (pistol or revolver)."
  27. California Penal Code 29820 PC.
  28. California Penal Lawmaking 29815 PC.
  29. California Penal Code 29825 PC. Meet too California Penal Code 1203.1 (j) — The court may impose…other reasonable conditions, as it may determine are fitting and proper to the end that justice may be done, that amends may be made to society for the breach of the police, for any injury washed to any person resulting from that breach, and generally and specifically for the reformation and rehabilitation of the probationer…See as well People v. Lent (1975) xv Cal.3d 481, 486. ("The Legislature has placed in trial judges a broad discretion in the sentencing procedure, including the determination as to whether probation is advisable and, if and then, the conditions thereof. (Pen. Code, § 1203 et seq.) A condition of probation will not be held invalid unless information technology '(1) has no human relationship to the criminal offense of which the offender was convicted, (two) relates to conduct which is non in itself criminal, and (3) requires or forbids carry which is non reasonably related to future misdeed…'" [citation omitted.])
  30. California Penal Lawmaking 30105 PC.
  31. Encounter aforementioned.
  32. Notation that the federal gun ban applies to anyone who has been convicted of a crime that carries more than a year in prisonwhether or not that person really served more than than a year in prison house. See California Penal Code 29800(c)(ii).
  33. 18 United States Lawmaking 922(d).
  34. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Firearms – Frequently Asked Questions; Office of Legislative Research, Research Report 2008-R-0617, Restoration of Right to Carry Firearms Under Federal Law, Nov 10, 2008.
  35. Run into endnote 17, above.
  36. 18 USC 922(d).
  37. California Penal Lawmaking 4854 PC. In the granting of a pardon to a person, the Governor may provide that the person is entitled to exercise the right to ain, possess, and keep any type of firearm that may lawfully exist owned and possessed past other citizens; except that this right shall not exist restored, and Sections 17800 and 23510 and Chapter ii (commencing withSection 29800) of Division 9 of Title 4 of Part 6 shall employ, if the person was ever convicted of a felony involving the use of a unsafe weapon.
  38. See e.chiliad., Judicial Council of California criminal Jury Instructions (2012) CALCRIM 511 and 3145:
    [Adangerous weapon is any object, musical instrument, or weapon that is inherently deadly or dangerous or one that is used in such a way that it is capable of causing and likely to cause death or nifty actual injury.]
    [Bang-up bodily injury ways significant or substantial physical injury. It is an injury that is greater than minor or moderate impairment.]
  39. 18 USC 922(d).
  40. See People v. Gilbreth (2007) 156 Cal.App.4th 53. (" '[O]nce a courtroom has reduced a wobbler to a misdemeanor pursuant to . . . department 17, the crime is thereafter regarded every bit a misdemeanor 'for all purposes.' This unambiguous language means what information technology says, and unless the Legislature states otherwise, a person such equally [defendant] stands convicted of a misdemeanor, not a felony, for all purposes upon the court then declaring.' (Gebremicael 5. California Com. on Instructor Credentialing (2004) [156 Cal.App.4th 58] 118 Cal.App.fourth 1477, 1483 (Gebremicael).) Accordingly, defendant'southward possession of a firearm by a bedevilled felon must be reversed.").
  41. Run across Country of California, Office of the Governor, How to Apply for a Pardon.
  42. California  Penal Code 1203.3.
  43. California  Penal Code 1203.four.
  44. California  Penal Code 1203.4a.
  45. California Penal Code 4854, endnote 37, above.
  46. See How to Apply for a Pardon, endnote 41, to a higher place.
  47. The Supremacy Clause of the United States constitution, Commodity 6, provides:This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be fabricated in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall exist made, under the say-so of the United States, shall exist the supreme police of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, annihilation in the Constitution or laws of any Land to the contrary notwithstanding.
  48. See the United States Section of Justice, Office of the Pardon Attorney, Pardon Information and Instructions.
  49. Meet California Penal Lawmaking 4852.01-4852.21.
    Run into also, How to Utilize for a Pardon, endnote 41, in a higher place.
  50. People discharged or released on parole prior to May thirteen, 1943 and non incarcerated in a state penal institution since, accept a three (3) twelvemonth residency requirement. See California Penal Lawmaking 4852.01 PC (a).
  51. California Penal Code 4852.03.
    (a) The period of rehabilitation shall brainstorm to run upon the discharge of the petitioner from custody due to his or her completion of the term to which he or she was sentenced or upon his or her release on parole or probation, whichever is sooner. For purposes of this affiliate, the menstruum of rehabilitation shall found five years' residence in this land, plus a catamenia of time determined by the following rules:
    (one) To the five years there shall be added iv years in the case of any person convicted of violating Section 187, 209, 219, 4500, or18755 of this code, or subdivision (a) of Section 1672 of the military machine and Veterans Lawmaking, or of committing any other crime which carries a life sentence.
    (2) To the five years there shall be added v years in the case of any person convicted of committing whatsoever criminal offense or attempted criminal offense for which sex offender registration is required pursuant to department 290, except for convictions for violations of subdivision(b), (c), or (d) of Section 311.2, or of Section 311.iii, 311.10, or314. For those convictions, two years shall exist added to the five years imposed past this section.
    (3) To the five years there shall be added two years in the case of any person convicted of committing any offense that is not listed in paragraph (i) or paragraph (2) and that does not carry a life sentence.
    (4) The trial court hearing the application for the certificate of rehabilitation may, if the defendant was ordered to serve consecutive sentences, order that his or her statutory menses of rehabilitation be extended for an additional menstruation of time which when combined with the fourth dimension already served volition not exceed the menses prescribed by statute for the sum of the maximum penalties for all the crimes.
    (five) Whatsoever person who was discharged subsequently completion of his or her term or was released on parole earlier May 13, 1943, is not discipline to the periods of rehabilitation ready forth in these rules.
    (b) Unless and until the menstruum of rehabilitation, equally stipulated in this department, has passed, the petitioner shall exist ineligible to file his or her petition for a document of rehabilitation with the courtroom. Any certificate of rehabilitation that is issued and under which the petitioner has not fulfilled the requirements of this chapter shall be void.
    (c) A change of residence within this state does not interrupt the menses of rehabilitation prescribed by this section.
  52. California Penal Code 4852.01(d) — This chapter shall non apply to persons serving a mandatory life parole, persons committed under death sentences, persons bedevilled of a violation of subdivision (c) of Department 286, Section288, subdivision (c) of Section 287, Section 288.v, or subdivision(j) of Section 289, or persons in the war machine service.
  53. California Penal Code 4852.01(e) Notwithstanding the above provisions or any other provision of police force, the Governor shall have the right to pardon a person convicted of a violation of subdivision (c) of Section 286, Section 288, subdivision (c) of Section 287, Section 288.5, or subdivision (j) of Section 289, if at that place are extraordinary circumstances.
    Encounter also How to Utilize for a Pardon, endnote 41, in a higher place.
  54. See California Penal Lawmaking 4852.01(d), endnote 52, to a higher place.
    See besides California Penal Code 290, the "Sexual practice Offender Registration Act," which sets forth the sex crimes subject to PC 4852.01(d).
  55. Same.
  56. Same.
    See likewise California Penal Lawmaking 4852.01(due east).
  57. See, How to Apply for a Pardon, endnote 41, above.
  58. Encounter aforementioned.
  59. Penal Code 4852.sixteen — The certified copy of a certificate of rehabilitation transmitted to the Governor shall institute an application for a full pardon upon receipt of which the Governor may, without any further investigation, issue a pardon to the person named therein, except that, pursuant to Section eight of Commodity V of the Constitution,the Governor shall non grant a pardon to any person twice bedevilled of felony, except upon the written recommendation of a majority of the judges of the Supreme Court.
  60. People 5. Ansell (2001) 25 Cal.fourth 868, 891. ("Withal, regardless of which statutory awarding procedure is used, and still any recommendation by the superior courtroom, the pardon decision is discretionary, and rests ultimately with the Governor.")
    See also California Penal Code 4800 PC — Ramble authorization. ("The general authority to grant reprieves, pardons and commutations of sentence is conferred upon the Governor by Section 8 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of California.")
    See also California Constitution, Article 5, Section 8(a) — Subject to application procedures provided by statute, the Governor, on atmospheric condition the Governor deems proper, may grant a reprieve, [California Governor's] pardon, and commutation, after sentence, except in instance of impeachment. The Governor shall written report to the Legislature each reprieve, pardon, and substitution granted, stating the pertinent facts and the reasons for granting it. The Governor may not grant a pardon or commutation to a person twice bedevilled of a felony except on the recommendation of the Supreme Court, 4 judges concurring.
    See too California Penal Code 4802 PC — In the case of a person twice convicted of felony, the application for pardon or commutation of judgement shall be made directly to the Governor, who shall transmit all papers and documents relied upon in back up of and in opposition to the application to the Board of Prison Terms.
    Come across also California Penal Lawmaking 4813 PC — In the case of applications of persons twice convicted of a felony, the Lath of Prison house Terms, after investigation, shall transmit its written recommendation upon such application to the Governor, together with all papers filed in connection with the application.
    Run into also How to Employ for a Pardon, endnote 41, above.
  61. California Penal Code 4854 PC, endnote 37, above.
  62. California Penal Lawmaking 1203.4(a)(2) [felony convictions] and 1203.4a(c)(2) [misdemeanor convictions] both provide that: "Dismissal of an accusation or information pursuant to this section does non let a person to own, possess, or take in his or her custody or control any firearm or forestall his or her conviction under Affiliate 2 (commencing with Section 29800) of Division nine of title 4 of Part half-dozen [California's felon with a firearm police].")
  63. California Penal Lawmaking 1203.4(a).
  64. Same.
  65. Same.
    For more information, please run across our article on the Consequences of a Felony Conviction.
  66. California Penal Code 1203.4(b) — subdivision (a) of this section does not utilize to any misdemeanor that is within the provisions of Vehicle Lawmaking 42002.one of the Vehicle Code, to any violation of subdivision (c) of Department 286, Department 288, subdivision (c) of Section 287, Section 288.5, or subdivision (j) of Department 289, any felony confidence pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 261.five, or to whatsoever infraction.
  67. Please feel free to contact our Nevada criminal defense attorneys Michael Becker and Neil Shouse for any questions relating to Nevada's firearm laws and restoring your Nevada gun rights. Their Nevada law offices are located in Reno and Las Vegas.


Source: https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/post-conviction/restore-gun-rights/

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